G.A.T.E. (Gifted and Talented Education)
The GATE program of the East Whittier City School District is designed to provide students with appropriately challenging learning experiences and to assist them with the achievement of academic excellence.
Ocean View's GATE students receive differentiated instruction within their regular classroom. In addition, our scholars participate in a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Project-Based Academy during the school year and a Summer Academy. These programs are designed to provide enriching and challenging experiences in a stimulating environment.
Students must qualify for our GATE program by taking a standardized test and showing academic excellence in their classroom. Students take the test in the middle of their 3rd grade year.
The Learning Hub
At Ocean View we believe that all students are capable of learning grade level
standards, yet sometimes students need extra support to be successful. We are
excited to offer extra intervention support for some students as they "Plug in at the Learning Hub!" The Learning Hub Teachers will work in collaboration with the classroom teacher to
standards, yet sometimes students need extra support to be successful. We are
excited to offer extra intervention support for some students as they "Plug in at the Learning Hub!" The Learning Hub Teachers will work in collaboration with the classroom teacher to
provide intensive, supplemental instruction based on the academic needs of each
student. Parents will be an integral part of the decision making team should your student need this support.
English Language Learner Program
Our EL students receive high quality first instruction within their regular classroom. Additional assistance is provided under the direction of our Intervention Teacher and EL Instructional Assistant for students that need extra support. Instruction focuses on the areas tested on the ELPAC (EL state assessment): Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
Our EL students take the ELPAC test in the fall, are monitored throughout the year, and can be reclassified in the spring (starting in 3rd grade) if they meet the criteria.