Question: What are the school office hours?
Answer: The school office is open Monday thru Friday from 7:30-4:00pm
Question: Where can I get a copy of the Lunch Menu?
Answer: Click here for our Lunch Menu
Question: What is the best way to communicate with my child's teacher?
Answer: You can check with your child's teacher to see what is the best way to communicate with them (class dojo, email, phone, etc..). You can also call the school office at 562-907-6400 to be connected with the teacher's voicemail.
Question: How do I call in an absence for my child?
Answer: To call in an absence for your child, you can call the attendance line at 562-907-6399. Please leave a detailed message stating your child's name, your child's teacher, and the reason for the absence.
Question: Can I call the school nurse directly?
Answer: Yes, you can contact the school nurse between the hours of 9-2:30. Please call her direct line at 562-907-6404.
Question: What happens when the weather gets too hot for the students to play outside?
Answer: When the temperature is above 90 degrees outside, we implement our Inclement Weather schedule. This schedule alerts staff that the students will be staying indoors during their recess and lunch time. PE and other outside activities will either be held inside classrooms, or will be cancelled completely.
Question: What do you do when you would like to drop off lunch to your child?
Answer: We strongly encourage you to make arrangements with your child prior to dropping the lunch off to them. The office is unable to interrupt class time to call and let your child know that lunch is waiting. Our office staff will send an email to the teacher alerting them that your child's lunch is waiting on the table outside the office. When you drop off the lunch, please clearly label it with your child's name and teacher, as it will be placed on a table with other lunches.
Question: What happens when I am late picking up my child?
Answer: After 2:50 p.m. students will be waiting in the office. You will need to come into the office to sign your child out.
On minimum days, Tuesdays, students will be waiting in the office at 1:50 p.m.
Question: What happens if I am late dropping my child off at school?
Answer: If you are bringing your child late to school, you will need to come into the office and sign your child in for the day. There is a Late Arrival clipboard inside the office that you will need to sign.
Question: Where do I pick up my child after school when it is raining?
Answer: If it is raining at dismissal, 1st grade is at their regular dismissal area. 2nd and 3rd grade dismissal is in front of the office. Upper grade students (grades 4-5) will be dismissed in front of rooms 1-4.
Question: What do I need to enroll my child at Ocean View?
Answer: To enroll your child at Ocean View, you will need to bring your child's original birth certificate, original shot records with their required school entry immunizations completed, and three utility bills for address verification.
Question: I don't live in Ocean View's attendance area, is it still possible for my child to attend Ocean View?
Answer: Yes, it is still possible for your child to attend Ocean View. You need to apply for a permit. Permits are accepted based on grade level availability per board policy. For more information please call the East Whittier City School District office at 562-907-5931.
Question: When does Kindergarten registration begin?
Answer: Kindergarten registration for the 2016-2017 school year begins on Tuesday, February 16th. All kindergarten registration is done online. Please see our kindergarten page for more details.
Question: Does Ocean View provide daycare?
Answer: No, Ocean View does not provide daycare. However, we do have a list of child care providers that many of our scholars use. The following are child care providers that serve Ocean View yet we are in no way endorsing them. Please use your own discretion when choosing a child care provider.
OPTIONS | Ocean View School | 626-284-9935 |
YMCA (contact Starbuck Center) | La Habra | 562-943-7241 |
WYN Club (City of Whittier) | Ocean View School | https://www.whittierprcs.org/recreation/youth-services |